Seminar / Conference
Seminar on National Security Laws: Present and Forward Looking
由香港教育大學(教大)國家安全與法律教育研究中心,聯同深圳大學(深大)港澳基本法研究中心共同主辦的「國安法治回歸與前瞻研討會(Seminar on National Security Laws: Present and Forward Looking)」,於4月20日在教大大埔校園舉行。
A-G/F-08, The Education University of Hong Kong
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Seminar / Conference
EdUHK Holds Seminar on National Security Education
Events Details
EdUHK Establishes the National Security and Legal Education Research Centre
To raise awareness among teachers and the public on safeguarding national security and on being law-abiding, The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has established the National Security and Legal Education Research Centre (the Centre), and held a launch ceremony today (9 January).
Events Details